Horary Astrology Reading
What is it you most want to know right now?
Horary Astrology is an ancient astrological method that involves casting a chart in order to answer a particular, pressing question. The chart is cast the moment the question is asked.
In this 25 to 30 minute session you will present a particular pressing question that you have not been able to answer any other way. The more burning the question, the more effective the reading. I will cast a chart for the moment the question is asked and will use ancient astrological techniques to best answer your question. I may also include some Tarot and Oracle cards to help clarify the reading.
Where did I leave my coat? Will my cat come back? Will he ask me to marry him?
Horary Astrology can answer all kinds of questions! From the most extraordinary to the most mundane. However, the more specific the question the better the result. If necessary, I can help you narrow down your question in order to receive the best answer.
Currently, I am able to offer Horary Readings on Saturdays only. Walk-in appointments also available on most Saturdays at the shop from 12-4pm.
**IMPORTANT: Unlike for other astrology readings, a birth time is not necessary.