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Natal Chart Reading


Who Are You Really? What Is Your Soul's Purpose?

In this hour-long meeting we will deep-dive into your Natal Chart, your cosmic blueprint, so to speak, the What, Why and How of your current incarnation. What is your Soul's Purpose this time around? How are you expressing that purpose in the world? What lessons are you here to learn and what gifts do you have to offer? What are your strengths? Weaknesses? Tendencies? Patterns? What are you relationships and partnerships like? What areas of your life do you most desire to improve? 

*I can talk as much or as little about actual Astrology in a reading as the client has interest or desire. I'm here to help you understand you

**IMPORTANT: At check out, please provide Full Name, Date, Place, and Time of Birth.

***I spend a few hours prepping your chart before our meeting so a booking requires a minimum of one week notice ahead of time. If the times on the website do not work for you, please email me about setting up an alternative time. 

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